Thursday 18 March 2010

Our Interview

Here is a list of questions we are going to ask pupils in the Sixth Form at William Parker School; our target audience is between 15 - 24, as our film's certification is '15', so there is no point asking younger children as they would not be allowed to watch it, and it is dificult to believe anyone older than that would want to watch a horror film based on teenagers, as they might not be able to relate to the story. The aim of these questions is to find out the pupils' opinions of our film trailer, film poster and film magazine, and having got their views we would know what we would need to improve or change.



1) What do you think this film is about?
2) Would you watch this film at cinema? - Why? Why not?
3) What is your favourite part of trailer?
4) What do you think could be improved?


5) Do you know what genre this film is by looking at the poster?
6) From looking at the poster, what do you think the film is about?


7) Would you buy this magazine?
8) What do you think of the price of the magazine?
9) What do you think of the layout/colour/images?
10) Overall opinion of the magazine?

All Three

11) Overall opinion of the project?
12) Favourite out of all three? (Trailer, poster, magazine)
13) Do they work together?

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