This poster relates to our film as it has a school based theme; the children in the poster are roughly the same age as the children portrayed in our film; they are wearing school uniform in a 'upper class', public school manner- shirts ,ties and short hair. The colour scheme is dark red which in this poster stands out with the black and white background - the red here symbolizes blood and danger rather then lust and passion which it can also show; you can tell it means danger and death by the black background. The black and white relates to such films as "Sin City" and "Natural Born Killers" which are inspiration to our film as well. I believe the reason the main image is black and white is to help show all the students looking the same, this shows order and unity in the group as there is no difference; the teacher, however, in the image is wearing black which shows him to be outside of the group and away from the order and unity. The black and white also shows darkness and uncertainty which is what the film is mainly about. Our idea for our poster is a black school blazer covered by a hand, but on the hand is dark red blood, so the main colours used in our poster is red and black - the same as this poster. Also the only text on the poster is the title and a one sentence sub title, which is the same amount of text that our poster will use. The white writing also stands out to the dark background, the review and tag line are both white and stand out
The reason why the reviewer said "a cross between 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Lord of the Flies" is because they are both well known films and most people are expected to be able to refernece them before watching this; as this is a Japanese film people would want to know in the UK which Britsh/American films it is mostlike before watching it. The tagline "Could you kill your best friend" is a catchy and funny rhetorical question; it also, in the one sentence, reveals to the audience the genre of the film and that it is in fact going to contain death and killing, rather then a usual school drama.
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