Setting: The Past
Location: Old deserted house – later we find out it’s the caretaker’s cabin.
Flash back, Faded,blurry- distortion.
These 7 shots are set before the second set of 7, but are synced 1-1, 2-2 past-present, past-present
.1) Shot of boy lying on floor, bleeding, crying, and screaming (Short and sharp).
2) Boy screaming this time the audience get a sense of location – shows it’s the cabin.
3) Boy screaming, dying, sense of location this time feet appear next to the boy.
4) Find out the feet are the caretaker’s, (Tilt up) caretaker with blood on him crying.
5) Police break in and take away distressed caretaker.
6) Mysterious man comes in when everyone is in panic about the situation and grabs hold of boy.
7) Tilt up turns out to be TEACHER (WHAT A TWIST). Drags body out, still screaming, everyone else in the room doesn’t care they believe teacher will help, as the teacher is helpful and good.
8) Final shot, (In teachers home) camera follows the teacher into the basement, where all the missing kids are, screaming and crying.
Setting: The Now aka The Present.
Location: School, - camera normal, no effects.
1) Happy kids playing football, one kid goes missing – (kid in the cabin) from afar you see police run in school and into cabin.
2) Find out that caretaker has been convicted of murder. However as he lives on the ground he is allowed to return.
3) Kids make fun of him, tease and laugh, abused caretaker. Another missing kid.
4) Teacher tries to help the kids – reassure them keeping them safe, become a father figure. Another missing kid.
5) Teacher convinces kids to hunt down caretaker and seek revenge for there friends.
6) Kids arrange to meet up and finish caretaker. L
7) Kids kill caretaker, HAPPY ENDING?! Boy who kills him gets arrested, teacher lives, boy treated like a hero.
Basic Plot:
Basically in the past one student (Matt) goes missing, the school is in panic, children are scared. Months later when the school is back at peace, the word gets around that the school caretaker has been released from questioning and prison, this clearly makes the students unhappy. The caretaker lives on the grounds, kids tease and torment him; then however more kids go missing, yet there’s no evidence that the caretaker has done it, Mr Casebourne (Teacher) is nice and treats the kids well in these sad times, by being a sort of father figure to them; when more kids go missing, Mr Casebourne convinces the kids that the only way to stop the mayhem is to kill the caretaker; the kids in all their anger go along with it and meet up together and kill him. The caretaker is now dead, everyone is happy, the kids think they are safe, parents are pleased, and the main kid responsible goes to jail but is a legend around the school.
The twist you infact find out that the teacher killed the boy and the caretaker was just there to help him. You were made to gain all the trust for the teacher and grew to love him: however you just lose all love and trust for him at the end when you find out the truth; in contrast, you are made to feel hate for the caretaker for the whole film and even to be happy when he is dead- however when you find out the truth your emotions are turned upside down and inside out!